What is the definition of a Veteran? A Veteran is a person who at one time wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for an amount up to and including his or her life.
We asked a few veterans to share what this day means to them:

"It is nice that the sacrifices [we made] are recognized."
-Frank Brown (Air Force)
"Veterans Day to me isn't about the parades, getting thanked for my service, or even getting a free meal.... It's much more than that. It's that old man that sacrificed his time, his home life, and even his health to make sure that the men and women to his left, right, and back home were safe when they lay their heads down at night. It's the memory of those that have served and paid the ultimate price on a battlefield far away from home. To some, it may be a sale, or a day off from work. To me, it's the men and women that made our freedom possible."
-Cameron Boswell (Army: Airborne Infantry)

"Veterans Day is a Day for the Entire nation to remember who we are, All the Lives that have been given to keep us a Free Nation. That the Freedoms we enjoy today were Paid for by those serving now and the Generations before us."
-Jake Baker (Marines)
Today, we at JoCo Baseball salute those who have bravely served our country. Their bravery and sacrifice enables us all to live in the greatest country man has ever seen.
Thank you to all our Veterans, past, present and future.
Coach Glenn and the JoCo Baseball Team